Thursday, November 1, 2012


National November Writing Month:

Excited to start the challenge off with 2311 words typed today!!

The journey truly begins with a word and so the next 29 days I will be writing and blogging about my journey. Today's challenged started with a sinus head ache due to the change in weather and a 15 month old who  loves to get into everything (especially crayons ;-).

So once she was settled down for a nap I decided to make a mad dash to the computer to write as many words as possible. I am working on my second book that is set in the same town as the first one Lincolnton, Kansas. It is going to be another historical romance and I am excited to be continuing with the Malone/Henry family as they welcome a new addition and a family member with a past.

One key technique that has helped me with this writing challeneg is to have an outline of how I want the chapters to go. Having this skeleton to help me has been intrumental in my writing adventures. I also love this chance to dig back into the lives of my characters once again. Having the deadline of Nov. 30 is a great way to make sure I stay on task. I don't know about you guys, but when I have a deadline I am pretty good about keeping it. It's kinda like a grade for school and nerds like me ;-) don't like to get bad grades, so I write.

I wish everyone a happy journey and to remember even if you dont reach your goal of 1667 a day-keep writing.......

Each journey starts with a word...

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